Ari’s coffee freezer cake with a magnum topping
My son Ari and my wonderful daughter-in-law Shira came to spend a few days with us. As the weekend approached, Ari with his mischievous grin, said, “Mum can you whip up a delicious dessert for shabbat dinner.” So, of course I said, “Sure thing, Ari, I am up for the challenge! What kind of dessert do you fancy, my love?”
“Surprise me, Mum, get creative, go nuts!”
Nuts? Now you’re talking my language! I can work with that… As I surveyed my trove of cooking books, I drew inspiration from a couple of beloved recipes, which I mixed and matched and managed to concoct a luscious coffee-flavoured ice cream, snugly sandwiched between layers of heavenly, soft and fluffy chocolate sponge with a glorious drizzle of sweet melted hazelnut chocolate. What can I say my friends? Sometimes you hit gold and this is sensory bonanza, a feast for the eyes, and a festival for the tasted buds!
But for me the best part, was seeing Aris face lit up with pure joy as he
took the first delectable bite. “Mum!” he exclaimed, “you’ve outdone yourself, again!

Before you start some helpful tips
Egg Separation: Always separate eggs when they are cold, but whisk them at room temperature for optimal results. Whipping Whites Ensure your mixer bowl is clean and grease-free before whisking egg whites for that perfect fluffiness. Add caster sugar to whisked egg whites gradually – one tablespoon at a time –counting to 10 before each addition. Cocoa Choice: A high-quality dark cocoa powder will elevate the flavour of your chocolate sponge. Whipping cream: For the best firm whipped cream, chill your mixing bowl and whisk balloon in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping. Sugar Alternatives: You can use an equal amount of caster sugar instead of icing sugar while whipping cream; if using icing sugar, ensure it's sifted for smooth results. Chocolate choice: For the chocolate drizzle, you can use dark hazelnut chocolate only, milk hazelnut chocolate only, or half dark and half milk hazelnut chocolate which is my preferred choice.
Whipped Coffee Make sure your water is boiling water from the kettle to create the perfect whipped coffee. Melted Chocolate
To melt your chocolate, either melt chocolate over a stove top or set up a double boiler.
Maintain the melted hazelnut chocolate's consistency by placing the bowl on top of a smaller bowl filled halfway with boiling water (ensuring the water doesn't touch the chocolate bowl). This keeps the chocolate smoothly melted while you drizzle the chocolate.
Cutting up the cake
wait until after portioning to drizzle the chocolate. If you drizzle the chocolate on top of the whole cake before slicing, the chocolate drizzle will harden, making it tricky to cut the freezer cake.

I have made a 3 part reel on how to make the coffee ,sandwich freezer cake
The first one is how to make the chocolate sponge
The second is how to make the coffee
The third is assembly
sponge cake reel
Ingredients for chocolate sponge
5 large eggs, separated
3/4 cup (155g-180g)caster sugar
1/3 cup (35g) cocoa powder
3 tablespoons (25g) corn flour
1 tea spoon instant coffee
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). 2. In a clean, dry mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites and caster sugar together until firm peaks form. 3. Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the egg yolks one at a time. 4. Gradually add the cocoa powder, corn flour, and instant coffee, and continue to mix on low speed until well incorporated. 5. Increase the mixer speed to high and mix for an additional minute to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly combined. 6. Line a sheet pan with baking paper and sprinkle cocoa on top to prevent from sticking. Pour the batter on top, spreading it evenly. 7. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes or until the cake is cooked through and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. 8. Remove from the oven and set a side to cool completly
Coffee ice-cream reel
Ingredients for coffee ice-cream
500 ml cream
6 tablespoons sifted icing sugar
180g hazelnut chocolate or any chocolate of your choice
2 tablespoons instant coffee
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons boiling hot water
Prep Chocolate: Chop up the chocolate and place it in the fridge to chill. Whip the Cream: In a stand-alone mixer or using a hand-held mixer, whip the cream and sifted icing sugar or castor sugar until firm. Gently fold in the chopped chocolate into the whipped cream, ensuring even distribution. Place the mixture in the fridge to keep it cool. Prepare Coffee Mousse: In a stand-alone mixer or using a hand-held mixer, whisk together instant coffee, sugar, and boiling hot water until the mixture thickens and turns pale in colour. This should take approximately 7-8 minutes, resulting in a thick and firm coffee mousse. Carefully fold the coffee mousse into the whipped cream. Refrigerate until ready to use.
For the chocolate drizzle
180g milk hazelnut chocolate
200g dark hazelnut chocolate
1 tsp flavourless oil
Method Roughly chop the hazelnut chocolate Melting on Stove: If using a stove, gently melt the chocolate on low flame, stirring continuously to prevent any burning or uneven melting. Melting with Double Boiler: If using a double boiler, fill the bottom pot with water and bring it to a simmer. Place the chopped chocolate in the top pot, ensuring it doesn't touch the water. Stir gently as the chocolate melts. Once the chocolate is completely melted add 1 teaspoon of flavourless oil. The oil will enhance the chocolate's consistency and make it easier to drizzle.
Cake Assembly
Enjoy XX