Happy new year and Shana Tova to all who celebrate the festival of Rosh Hashana, which is a big one for my tribe which is a time to reflect on how well we’re doing as human beings and ask for forgiveness if we don’t measure up. That and eating, of course. After Rosh Hashana, is Yom Kippur, which involves a fast, Oy! So I’m already planning on what to have when we break it.
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks especially the last couple of days and I really wanted to post this cake last week but I haven’t had a minute to post. Anyway, it’s done at last and now I’m happy to finally get to share the recipe with you. I’ve made this cake 5 times in 2 weeks, it’s a new family favourite and as well as the recipe for this delish dessert I’m going to share the different toppings that I have concocted to fancy it up in the future.
This cake has got as big double thumbs up from the whole familia as well as me. It has quite a bit of lemon but it’s not lemony (if that makes sense), it’s not too light, but also not dense, sort of on the fence. You can serve it all dressed up with passionfruit curd and meringue or a heap of fresh fruit or whipped cream or leave it nude. Whatever the choice I promise this cake will give satisfaction. It’s actually the perfect cake to break the fast with and very simple to make.
In the meantime, I wish you a healthy happy new year, filled with love, laughter, good friends, loving family (because there is nothing like them) and lots of good health.
With love and gratitude

Before you start here are some tips to help you achieve the best results when whisking egg whites 1. Separate the eggs while they are cold, but whisk the egg whites at room temperature.
2. Ensure the bowl used for whisking the egg whites is clean, dry, and free of any greasy residue.
3. Avoid getting any egg yolk into the egg whites, as it can hinder the whisking process and stop firm peaks from forming
Israeli Lemon Cake Recipe
5 large eggs
1 ½ cups caster sugar
2 cups plain flour (240g)
3 teaspoons baking powder
50g (2 packets) vanillin sugar
¾ cup (185ml) oil
2 tablespoons instant pudding vanilla
Lemon zest from one lemon
½ cup (125ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ cup (125ml) room temperature water
Preheat the oven to 170°C.
Prepare Egg Whites:
Separate the eggs whites
In a stand mixer or using a hand-held mixer, whisk the egg whites until foamy.
Gradually add caster sugar, one tablespoon at a time, waiting about 10 seconds after each addition, until you've used up 1 ½ cups of sugar.
Continue whisking until firm peaks form. The whole process from begining to end should take 10 minutes.
Prepare Cake Batter:
In a separate bowl, mix the remaining ingredients: plain flour, baking powder, vanillin sugar, oil, instant pudding vanilla, lemon zest, lemon juice, and water.
Gently fold the meringue (whisked egg whites) in thirds into the batter in thirds. Be careful not to overmix; the egg whites should be incorporated gently.
Pour the batter into a thoroughly oiled bundt cake tin or a chiffon cake tin.
Bake in the preheated oven for 50 minutes.
Once baked, allow the cake to cool before removing it from the tin.
