This was the second cake I made for my birthday, which I made for my friend Eugene.
A while back we were out one evening and he ordered a slice of what looked like pieces of biscuit held together by melted chocolate. Every time he took a bite his face lit up and he said, “I love this cake,” to which I replied, ‘That’s not a cake. That’s a couple of biscuits stuck together with melted chocolate. Anyone can make it.’ And he said, ‘Then you are welcome to make it for me.’ I told him that I would, no problem. That was 12 years ago…
On my birthday my guilty feelings caught up with me, and I thought it’s time to make this so-called cake. Besides, it’d been so long that, if mine wasn’t that good, hopefully, he wouldn’t remember how much better the original was. Anyway, I figured that making it couldn’t be too hard. I had biscuits and chocolate in my pantry, but just plain chocolate and tea biscuits was too boring, I needed to joozsch it up a bit… So off I went to the supermarket in search of inspiration…
I was marching down the chocolate isle, when I noticed people staring at me with a semi-disgusted/puzzled look. It must have been the drool running out of the corner of my mouth. You see, at that stage I hadn’t had sugar for three loooooong months, so while I was drooling I must have also had the same look on my face as the kids going through Willy Wonker’s chocolate factory when they discover that everything is an edible treat…
Anyhow, I stared at the chocolates to see which one would talk to me first, and the chocolate-covered roasted almonds took the initiative and quite enthusiastically, called out: ‘Me, me, pick me.’ So being a big softie I did. Next I walked to the biscuit isle where the scotch finger biscuits called out to me. Pssst, psssst, hey lady over here. You can’t possibly look passed me. I am a top-of-the-range classic shortbread, buttery but firm and chocolate is my game.’ Well, the biscuit made a good case, so I grabbed two packets. To glue it all together I helped myself to not one but two tins of condensed milk, and to top it all off, because I’m nuts about nuts, I bought chocolate-coated almonds, to decorate the cake, and Maltesers for good measure.
I knew that the cake ingredients in my shopping bag were a killer (in more ways than one); I just had to put them together and hope for the best. I started getting nervous as I began to mix the ingredients in the pot: the mixture didn’t look too good to me. I thought maybe it’s not that simple, I literally made this recipe up as I went a long… But I was pretty chuffed when I looked at my finished creation. As for the taste test? Lucky for me the gang loved it. They could only eat a sliver, except for Eguene who walked home with a ¼ of the cake. The rest I gave to my neighbour who’s son polished it off and he is still standing (I don’t know how) to tell the tale of how much he loved it.
2 x 395g cans condensed milk
360g dark chocolate with roasted almonds
240g dark cooking chocolate
400g scotch finger biscuits
Ganache (optional)
¾ cup cream
160g dark chocolate chopped
Decoration (optional)
120g chocolate-coated almonds
140g Maltesers
Line the bottom and sides of an 20cm spring-form cake tin with baking paper.
Break biscuits into pieces, place them in a bowl and set aside.
In a medium-size pot, over a low flame, mix the chocolates and condensed milk together until chocolate has melted completely ,texture is smooth and the two ingredients are well combined.
Remove from the heat and pour melted chocolate mixture over the biscuits, mix the biscuits until they are completely covered in chocolate mixture.
Transfer chocolate and biscuit mixture into prepared tin and press firmly with your hands or back of a spoon, to level the cake.
Put in the fridge.
Ganache Method
While cake is in the fridge
Place chopped chocolate in heat-proof bowl set a side
Over medium-high heat bring the cream to just a boil. Pour hot cream over chocolate, let the cream melt the chocolate before stirring the two ingredients into a smooth consistency.
Allow ganache to cool down completely before pouring it on top of the cake.
Arrange Maltesers in the centre of the cake and the chocolate-coated almonds around the outer end of the cake.
Leave in the fridge for a few 3-4 hours before serving.
This cake can be made a couple of days a head.
P.S I would love to hear from you, and please feel free to invite/share the passion/word
With love and gratitude