Hello, my wonderful master chefs. I feel like it has been FOR EVER since I last posted.
To say i've had a HECTIC couple of months is an understatement! Why does EVERYTHING happen at once????? Between MAJOR changes taking place at work and moving house, I have been seriously living on crakers and fruit...
Last week I went to my usual family Friday night dinner and I thought I WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING, SWEET, but with very little time on my hands i came up with a pretty good idea and I was chuffed that it came out so good. The response I got was quiet interesting.
I wanted to call this 50/50 because I made it for our Friday night dinner and my family for the first time was truly divided on this. One half were like: “What the hell is this, thanks but no thanks, Nava!” The other half were “Oh my God, this is the BEST thing I’ve ever tasted 10 out of 10, you genius!”
As for me I loved it. I am now a born again /pretzel convert. The amalgamation of tahini and milk chocolate gave it a chocolate halva flavour. The addition of pretzels completed the perfect union of sweet and salty accompanied by a wonderful CRUNCH! All of this in just one bite!
There is no baking involved and if you’re time poor this is a fantastic dessert.
You can make it a day ahead and it doesn’t lose any of its crunchiness. In fact, I think it tastes even better the next day.
There are only three ingredients, and this slice is rich and somewhat on the decadent side. In my humble opinion this dessert is an enticing delectable delight.
Please note the chocolate sauce is optional. If you want to make the sauce I have included it in the recipe

325g milk chocolate
200g twisted pretzels
250g (1 cup) good quality runny tahini
Using a rolling pin, gently beat the pretzels. Don’t put them in a food processor you want pieces of pretzels not powder (see picture)
Melt chocolate either in the microwave or on the stove
Once chocolate has completely melted remove from the heat and add tahini, mix thoroughly and add pretzels.
Pour into a small square dish (I need to write size of dish) lined with baking paper and place in the fridge for several hours before serving.
If you want to make the sauce:
Place the pretzel slice in the fridge for several hours to let it set before adding the chocolate sauce.
Chocolate sauce
150g dark chocolate
2 tablespoons sugar
½ tablespoon cocoa
3 tablespoons milk or water
25g butter
Put the chocolate, sugar, cocoa and milk in a small saucepan over low heat and stir continuously until chocolate has melted and all ingredients are well combined.
Remove from the heat and stir in butter, it adds a beautiful shine to the sauce.
Pour sauce over the pretzel slice and cover all over by moving the dish around. Don’t attempt to use a knife to spread the sauce, just
put it back in the fridge for another couple of hours before serving.