Hellllo my beautiful, gorgeous, adorable master chefs.
Boy, have I missed you!
As you know my son got married in Israel and the whole familia went for the big event. It was the most wonderful , heart-warming experience. In the next couple of weeks I will fill you in all about it and my sightseeing and gastronomical tour of Israel, the Netherlands, and Flanders (in Belgium). One of the things that made our trip so special was the wonderful hospitality and friendship shown to us by family and friends. Thank you Eliran and Michal, Micky and Ronnie, and Sharon an Oz. Your warmth and generosity mean the world to us.
While we were away the weather was perfect, not too hot for walking and hot enough to swim, coming back to the stark contrast of the cold Sydney air I feel like we are in the North Pole so the first thing I did (after I weighed myself, OUCH) I bought pumpkin soup ingredients and sat in front of the heater drinking this liquid gold.
I can’t believe I haven’t shared the recipe yet. It’s a delicious soup and as you will find out it’s not your average, run of the mill, pumpkin pottage.

This is NOT your classic pumpkin soup, this is SO MUCH MORE!
This recipe has ZERO fat but comes with all the yummy taste. Made with fresh, wholesome ingredients and is still super easy to make. Thick and rich in flavour, this hearty soup is delicious with a yummy piece of crusty bread. Yes, you need to dip a chunk of crusty carbs to get the full experience…
1,350g pumpkin, peeled and seeded
250g carrots no need to peel
275g sweet potato, peeled
180g onion, peeled
1 – 2 cloves of garlic, peeled (optional)
7- 9 cups water depending on how thick you want the soup
3 vegetable cubes dissolved in 1 cup of hot water
1 teaspoon coriander
2 teaspoons curry powder
2 teaspoons sweet paprika
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon mixed spice
Salt and pepper to taste
Sometimes I like to add fresh (grated) Ginger or ground ginger just for a change.
Pour 7 cups of water into a large pot and bring to the boil. While water is boiling, chop up pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato and onion, cut garlic in half.
Once water has reached boiling point, add the stock dissolved in hot water.
Add vegetables and reduce the heat to a simmer, cover with a lid and cook until vegetables are super soft, roughly 30 min.
Turn off the heat. Remove the lid and allow soup to cool down a little. Using a handheld blender, blend until smooth.
Serve with bread, and if you want it a little creamy, add some sour cream or a little fresh cream, but I don’t think it needs it….