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  • Writer's pictureNava

One bowl chocolate cake

Hellllllloooooo my beautiful friends and culinary lovers,

It’s been pretty hectic around here and I’m going to take a couple of weeks off, to regenerate.

But before I say bye for now, would like to thank everyone for all of your support and encouragement with everything I make be it good, bad or bland. I feel so lucky to have never had anyone be negative or make a mean remark. You are all so kind and generous with your compliments.

I love sharing my crazy reels, stories and of course recipes with you all.

I want to wish everyone of you a very merry Christmas. A safe, healthy and happy new year, filled with joy, love and laughter. And I look forward to connecting with you all again soon.

With love and gratitude


You didn’t think I would leave without sharing a recipe for the most delectable one bowl, chocolate cake, to make for the Christmas holidays that will have your guests asking for more.

Quick, easy and delicious one bowl chocolate cake

Cake ingredients

6 eggs

1& ½ cups sugar

1 &½ cups self raising flour

1 &½ cups oil

1 &¼ cups chocolate drink ( I used Nestle quick)

¼ cup cocoa

190mls Cream


Preheat the oven to 175C

Line a round 23/24cm spring-form cake tin with baking paper

In a standalone mixer or with a handheld mixer, mix all the cake ingredients together.

Pour cake batter into the cake tin and bake for 50-55 minutes or until skewer comes out clean when inserted into the centre of the cake.

Chocolate ganache


300g dark chocolate or semi dark chocolate

300mls cream

Chocolate ganache


Place chocolate and cream in a saucepan over low heat and mix until chocolate has completely melted and you get a smooth texture. Set aside to cool down.

Cream topping


300mls cream

3 tablespoons icing sugar mixture

1 packet vanilla sugar

Cream topping


Whip cream, icing sugar mixture, and vanilla sugar with a handheld mixer or in a standalone electric mixer until firm peaks form.

Place in the fridge.

Assemble cake

Cut cake in half spread ¼ of the ganache on top of bottom layer cake.

Spoon cream on top of ganache then place second half of cake.

Spread remainder of ganache all over cake.

Chocolate shards ingredients

50g white chocolate

50g dark chocolate


Line a shallow baking tray with baking paper. In a heatproof bowl in the microwave in five-minute increments melt dark chocolate, stirring frequently. In a separate bowl repeat with white chocolate. Pour dark chocolate onto prepared tray and quickly spread with butter knife. Drizzle white chocolate on top and using a skewer create a swirly pattern with the white chocolate. Place in the freezer until super firm. Break into shards and place on top of cake.

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